The Not-So-Sexy Infertility Adventures of a Girl in the Big Apple

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Infertility Blog Whore

Wow, I think I must've spent at least 20 hours in the last few days reading infertility blogs.  Thank goodness my husband is at work most of the day/night - though every time he comes home my ass is planted in the same spot, right in front of the computer.  He keeps saying - "Wow, there are you again.  What IS that you're reading, it must be really good!" - and I just giggle nervously.  He's been nothing but supportive but he doesn't need to be exposed to just how far off the deep end I've gone.

My latest obsession (in addition to infertility blogs) is C.CRM.  I've been so swayed by their statistics and stories from people who've gone there that I set up an appointment with the head of the clinic for mid September.  I don't know how the hell I'm going to be able to wait that long, I'm so impatient to get a fresh start with someone new.  My other option is N.YU, but I think that's a backup plan if C.CRM for some reason doesn't want to take me.

I've also read several posts that say C.CRM has given them a list of recommended supplements for low responders (like me) including DHEA, Coenzyme Q10, and Melatonin.  My current RE scoffed at using supplements, but I've been keen to try *something* new, so I went to Vitamin Shoppe yesterday and bought a bunch of stuff.  At this point I figure why not, nothing else has worked!

I've also decided that today is my last official day this week to hole up in my apartment and obsess.  I've been essentially doing that since I got my negative beta test on Friday (no, let's be honest, I've been doing that since embryo transfer 2 1/2 weeks ago).  Tomorrow I am going to wake up early, go to yoga, and be all kinds of productive and ACTION-ORIENTED.

Today I will sit on my still-bloated ass and read blogs until my eyes fall out.

Happy reading!


  1. I am also a recent fertility blog addict! It's where I get my fix.
    It somewhere makes this process a little more bearable to know that you are not going through it alone.
    I went to CCRM after 4 failed IUI's. I live in the south, so I know it's just not on the cutting edge of medicine. I hope your appointment goes well in September!

  2. Hi! I found your blog through the LFCA. I am also addicted to infertiliy blogs, and am following someone who is also going through CCRM right now. Wishing you lots of luck!!
